CCS has seven leadership committees:

1.      Curriculum & Standards Committee

This committee consists of two teams (Blended Mastery Model, and Project-Based Learning). It is composed of a lead teacher, a teacher/staff, a board member, a community member, a parent, and a student.

  • Blended Mastery Model: The roles and responsibilities of this group are to develop and implement an interactive, research-based mastery model academic curriculum, and practices. This committee continuously ensures that the CCS academic program is aligned with the State of Colorado Standards.
  • Project-Based Learning: The roles and responsibilities of this group are to continually build coalitions and partnerships with community members and groups in order to create and implement a high-quality project-based curriculum. Service learning will be a key component of the project-based curriculum. This committee continuously ensures that the CCS project-based program is aligned with the State of Colorado Standards.

2. Special Needs Committee

This committee consists of two teams (Special Education (SPED) team, and English Language Learners (ELL) Team). The SPED team is composed of lead teacher, SPED teachers/staff/teacher assistants, a community member, and a parent with SPED experience. The ELL team is composed of ESL lead teacher, ELA highly qualified teachers/staff, bilingual assistant teachers, a community member, and a parent with ELL experience. The roles and responsibilities of these teams are:

  • All teams to provide a continuum of support and resources that enable students with special needs to achieve their potential, 
  • All teams to increase effective communication among CCS personnel, families, and community partners using a variety of strategies in order to build and sustain collaborative, and productive relationships.
  • All teams to expand the knowledge and skills of CCS personnel related to the processes and procedures aligned with federal, state, and local guidelines.
  • SPED Team to build the capacity of CCS personnel to provide a full continuum of effective and diverse instruction utilizing interventions, services, and supports for students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.
  • ELL Team ensures that children who are of limited or no English proficiency meet the minimum requirements for services, including Supported English Content Instruction and daily English Language Development (content vocabulary development, survival vocabulary development, oral language development, listening comprehension, and the development of reading and writing skills in English). Also, this team ensures that the ELL students develop high levels of academic success in English, and meet the same challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards, as all children are expected to meet.

3. Finance and Budgeting Committee

This committee composed of executive director, business manager, teacher/staff, board treasurer, a community member, a parent with finance experience/budgeting experience, and a student. This committee will:

  • Monitor expenditure and determine their effectiveness, and they would recommend changes to the board. Board will make the final decision on all recommended changes,
  • Ensure budget versus actual activity and expenditures follows the school’s mission and vision,
  • Ensure that the school’s policies and mission are reflected in the annual budget,
  • Track actual expenditures versus budgeted expenditures. The board of directors shall also conduct a monthly review of financial statements including comparisons to projected budgets and the balance sheet,
  • Creating annual budget and making recommendations to the board regarding the annual budget,
  • Provide necessary financial information and trainings to the board,
  • Ensure compliance with federal and state regulations,
  • Oversee the annual financial audit of school,
  • Create financial policies, as necessary. Board will make the final decision on all polices,
  • Oversee purchasing approval, cash management, accounts payable, and vendor contract negotiation

4. Cooperative Community Culture Committee

This committee composed of lead teacher, a teacher/staff, a board member, a community member, a parent, and a student. Roles and responsibilities of this group are to:

  • Adhere and uphold the CCS vision, mission, and values of service, democracy, inclusion, critical thinking, and sustainable stewardship,
  • Develop Advisement program.  An advisor is a coach, manager, teacher, and mentor and they guide students in learning how to manage their time, plan their work, and define and complete projects. Advisors follow students throughout their academic career and to build and maintain cooperative community culture,
  • Create and implement procedures for collaborating with parents, teachers and other professionals to ensure student success; and creating and maintaining a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) for each student, including goal setting and assessment,
  • Ensure that all students learn and reflect CCS’s commitment to restorative justice and eliminating the opportunity gap,
  • Foster a learning community where joy and inspiration lead the way and learning always follows in a school where students are creative, thoughtful, and compassionate.

5. Operations Committee

This committee consists of executive director, business manager, teacher/staff, a board member, a community member, and a parent with operation experience. For following services that support the effective operation of schools such as Customized Analysis, Board Governance Training, Data Management, Student Information System, Exceptional Students, and Nutrition program, CCS will utilize the services offered by the authorizer to the extent is possible. This committee roles & responsibilities are for:

  • Student Information system
  • Food service
  • Facility
  • Transportation
  • Technology
  • Personnel- The personnel matters are handled by Personnel Teams consist of executive director, business manager, lead teachers, a board member, a parent, and a part-time HR staff. This team are responsible for:
    • Creating and updating job descriptions
    • Reviewing Resumes
    • Setting hiring processes
    • Coordinating Interviews
    • Setting procedures for staff evaluation
    • Creating procedures for evaluation of teachers by self, by peers, by lead teachers, by students and parents surveys, and also by a third-party evaluator (i.e. University).
    • Scheduling annual evaluation for both certified and non-certified staff

6. Professional Development and Trainings Committee

This committee consists of lead teachers, a teacher/ staff, a board member, a community member, and a parent with professional Development (PD) experience. This committee roles & responsibilities are:

  • Planning and implementing PD program,
  • Building leadership capacity among teachers by honoring their input in PD planning and delivery,
  • Creating and maintaining PD calendar for two-week Summer Institute and other PD trainings throughout the year,
  • Gathering data on student performance, if they identify areas where large numbers of students are struggling, adjust the PD calendar to focus on strategies to address that issue,
  • Assessing the overall PD program at least annually by collaborating with the lead teachers with input from teaching staff,
  • Repeating the PD sessions that were highly valued by teachers and had clearly demonstrated impact on student achievement in subsequent years and replacing those that had less impact by other topics or presenters that are anticipated to have greater impact.

7. Public Relations, Communications and Marketing Committee

This committee composed of executive director, business manager, a teacher/staff, a board member, a community member, a parent with PR, communication, and marketing experience, and a student. This committee roles & responsibilities are to:

  • Develop fundraising goals to ensure the financial needs of the school are met,
  • Develop marketing strategies and create marketing materials (i.e. brochures, post cards, flyers)
  • Oversee enrollment to ensure it reflects the mission of the school’s forecast,
  • Coordinate efforts to recruit a balanced applicant pool of students,
  • Write Grants
  • Advertise to the surrounding community,
  • Create marketing tools (i.e. CCS’s website, social media, and the school’s newsletter).